Personal Drive Analysis


SKU: dsc1687097057 Category:
Strength and limitation of a profile

A profile of a person is a model. a reflection of reality. Recognizing the positives is usually pleasant and instructive at the same time. Sometimes it is also a bit confrontational. everyone has lesser strengths, too. pitfalls and an even sharp edge. They often contain points of interest and regularly even real learning points that will help you move forward in your development.

While many people identify well with a motivational profile, it is never exactly who they are. Realize that a profile is not something to start living by; it should not become a straitjacket. People who say of themselves that they are “red,” “purple” or “green” are selling themselves short because, after all, life and human beings are more complex and nuanced than any description can tell.

We hope the profile helps you better understand yourself and water happened. accept and possibly develop.

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